Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good and Bad points about the last term

Hi to Everyone!
This is my first blog and I don't know how to start it, but here I go...
The things I can remember from the first term of this year: Well, I got new subjects, some of them a little boring xD like Epidemiology, similar to Bioestadistics but a bit harder for me, and made me sleep sometimes...I know it's an important subject but I don't have enough interest for that, I mean I prefer subjects related with direct contact with animals like Anatomy, for example. However it was the most stressing thing I've ever passed!! There was a lot of concepts to learn, and I thought I would never pass that, because I got bad marks from the previous term (this subject lasts two terms, seriously terrible :S). I was about to quit, but in the end, I passed it with honor and glory!! Congratulations for meeeee!!
One of the subjects I hated is Economy: basically it's about money, money, and more money, all the world is turning around money!! xD
A good thing I remember is the basic clinical practices, specifically bovine practics. We had to put injections to a bad temper cow!! the poor animal was a little stressed, I felt sorry for her :(
Another thing I learned is about the behavior of different animals, and how different perceptual worlds they have: for example, dogs, they have a very developed smelling world; in the other hand cats have a great accustic world, I've realized this by watching my own pets :D
I must say that was not easy, but I think that term is nothing compared to this new one, I hope to survive in one single piece, and not to die trying it! xD