Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good and Bad points about the last term

Hi to Everyone!
This is my first blog and I don't know how to start it, but here I go...
The things I can remember from the first term of this year: Well, I got new subjects, some of them a little boring xD like Epidemiology, similar to Bioestadistics but a bit harder for me, and made me sleep sometimes...I know it's an important subject but I don't have enough interest for that, I mean I prefer subjects related with direct contact with animals like Anatomy, for example. However it was the most stressing thing I've ever passed!! There was a lot of concepts to learn, and I thought I would never pass that, because I got bad marks from the previous term (this subject lasts two terms, seriously terrible :S). I was about to quit, but in the end, I passed it with honor and glory!! Congratulations for meeeee!!
One of the subjects I hated is Economy: basically it's about money, money, and more money, all the world is turning around money!! xD
A good thing I remember is the basic clinical practices, specifically bovine practics. We had to put injections to a bad temper cow!! the poor animal was a little stressed, I felt sorry for her :(
Another thing I learned is about the behavior of different animals, and how different perceptual worlds they have: for example, dogs, they have a very developed smelling world; in the other hand cats have a great accustic world, I've realized this by watching my own pets :D
I must say that was not easy, but I think that term is nothing compared to this new one, I hope to survive in one single piece, and not to die trying it! xD


  1. Hi Benja! how are you doing?
    Congratulations for you dor passing anatomy! yay! xD
    And I agree with you...I HATE Economy..I don't know how I'll do it next Tuesday :S
    And the cows....oh the holy cows!! They were too stressful for me xD I prefer dogs and cats, or horses, but cows...specially university's cows...they look a little pshycho for me xD like they're waiting for you, to catch you in the back!!
    Run for your life! xD
    See you in classes :)

  2. Hi to Everyone!
    This is my first blog and I don't know how to start it, but here I go...
    The things I can remember from the first term of this year: Well, I got new subjects, some of them a little boring xD like Epidemiology, similar to Bioestadistics but a bit harder for me, and made me sleep sometimes...I know it's an important subject but I don't have enough interest for that, I mean I prefer subjects related with direct contact with animals like Anatomy, for example. However it was the most stressing thing I've ever passed!! There was a lot of concepts to learn, and I thought I would never pass that, because I got bad marks from the previous term (this subject lasts two terms, seriously terrible :S). I was about to quit, but in the end, I passed it with honor and glory!! Congratulations for meeeee!!
    One of the subjects I hated is Economy: basically it's about money, money, and more money, all the world is turning around money!! xD
    A good thing I remember is the basic clinical SP practics, specifically bovine practics. We had to put injections to a bad temper cow!! the poor animal was a little stressed, I felt sorry for her :(
    Another thing I learned is about the behavior of different animals, and how different perceptual worlds they have: for example, dogs, they have a very developed WW olfative world; WW in the other hand cats have a great accustic world, I've realized this by watching my own pets :D
    I must say that was not easy, but I think that term is nothing compared to this new one, I hope to survive in one single piece, and not to die trying it! xD

    Benja, Good for you congrats for passing that subject but I also think that the second semester it might not be more dfficult but more tiring...
    poor cow! It might have been very stressful...
    enjoy this semester as long as you can :)


    p.s. you got a 6.5
