Friday, October 16, 2009

My Favourite Animal(s)

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Time to talk about something interesting for me, I can say it's my reason to keep living in this planet...I refer to animals!! In this case, my favourite one.
It's a little difficult to choose one of them as my favourite animal, because I have two animals in my house that I think both they are special for me. Dog or Cat? which of them I should choose??
I guess it would be fair if I talked about both of them, being so I'm going to start about the dog:

Who doesn't know a dog, for God's sake?? Dogs are mammals, from the canine family; they are quadruped, carnivores with claws and sharp teeth because in the nature they are great predators, but they were domesticated by human beings to serve us as an animal of company.
I've got two dogs in my whole life, the first one was a female dog that today is in the dogs' heaven xD. I don't remember so much about her, because I was a child, but I know she lost her life when she got poisoned or something, that was terrible...
However, the second one is alive!! it's a male dog, white and black face coloured, like a cow!! he's 9 years old and is so restless, so hiperkinetic! I hope he doesn't die of a heart attack...he has lived since he was a two-months puppy and I love him so much, it doesn't matter if he's old today and exasperate me sometimes!
One of things I like about dogs is they're very lively, friendly (if we take care of them) and faithful to humans, so they can protect us from strange people. I can resume it in one phrase: "They make us our lives more interesting"
Now, I need to say something about the cat: In general, cats aren't so faithful and friendly like dogs. They're more introverted, they're always watching around, perceiving sounds (as dogs perceive smells). They're also predators in nature, that's why they have sharp claws (it really hurts when they attack us, I know that by own experience).
My sister adopted a little male cat, so practically he's my nephew xD. He's beautiful, gray-black striped and he's healthy, that's important. He has been living in my home one year ago, so he's one more of my family. The most part of the day he's always sleeping, but at night he gets crazy haaaa....sorry, I meant he turns more active and playful. It becomes a headache when he awakens too early in the morning, so my parents have to open the door, otherwise they can't keep sleeping anymore!

I really like him so much, in spite of I didn't like cats in the past...I remember before he arrived, we had another one, but he died by infection and I couldn't do anything to save him, that was so sad...I hope that doesn't happen again, that will be my mission. In one phrase "Cats show us the beauty of animals".

I like how different can be these two animal species: faithfulness in dogs and alert state in cats...that's simply the only way how God could do it :D

1 comment:

  1. hi Benja: really is a difficult decision, but I choose to cats.
    see you.
