Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September, the nacional month

Hi everybody! Now it's time to talk about our dear September, when we celebrate the nacional day.
18th is the day of the First Government Junta in 1810, and our independence from Spain. Every year Chilean people get festive and prepare themselves to enjoy this day through different chilean traditions, like dancing cueca, eating barbecues and empanadas, drinking chicha and so on. That's a special day indeed, and personally I like eating so much in this holidays :D
But what does it mean being chilean? well, I think we're not the best country over the planet, but people here is nice and good, in spite of we have lot of cultural defects...foreign people treat us as thieves (maybe they're right a little). We used to talk bad (I mean, we eat some final word letters like "s" or "d").
We sometimes are ignorants and we make things without thinking so much, a little impulsive in my opinion.
We argue with peruvians about who is the owner of "pisco"(what a foolish thing to argue for xD)
also we discriminate against other cultures.
We leave things to the last moment, that's called procrastination, commonly in the most of us, maybe because we are too lazy to do things at time or any other reason.
Even all things mentioned, we have sense of humor and we look life with optimism, trying to do our best.
Personally I think if we had been conquered by British people, things would be different here, maybe we would have more strenghts than weaknesses, certainly we would be like American people, with blue eyes and blond hair haha
Anyway, we are what we are and that's all, don't you think it?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Transantiago: before and after

Here we go again! This time I'm going to comment about the transport system which caused one headache or two to somebody...well, the most people here in Santiago of Chile, I guess. I'm refering to Transantiago >.<
First of all, what about the previous system? I can remember the old yellow buses that make us happy in the past (relatively happy, of course). Drivers sometimes decided to have fun by running fast and racing each other, a little dangerous for the people who were on the bus :S Also they stopped wherever they wanted, sometimes didn't get along with the passengers, specially with students...And how to forget the popular stickers, the old tickets from different routes (I remember that because I collected them, and I still have them!), people hanging on the bus door, trash on the floor and artistic quotes on the back of the seats...
But certain day our lives radically changed...a new modern system replaced all the happiness we had (hehe maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit). They replaced old buses with new and sofisticated ones, the caterpillar buses (They look more like big accordions with wheels for me, but it's just my humble opinion). Some of old buses were painted, making us to believe we wouldn't notice it...new routes and bus stops were established, the ultimate GPS system ever installed and so on...
The first months after the system was launched, chaos ruled the Chilean capital...people didn't know where to go, trying to descifrate a complicated route map...the bus speed was decreased and buses were often delayed , causing impacience and dispair over the crowd... (ok ok, I'm exaggerating again, but it's MY blog after all, don't criticize me) xD
But not all is a nightmare, there are good things to say about Transantiago. Street bus racing is over, so people travel more safely. Payment system was improved, indeed, because you don't have to pay with coins: you pay with a BIP card now instead, which you can load with money, pretty handy I think. Drivers respect bus stops, and they have a better treat with people.
You can change from one bus to another in the same trip, and you don't have to pay extra for it.
However, this system has a terrible failure: some shameless people get on the bus through the back doors and they don't pay their ticket!
Personally I don't feel affected too much with this system or the previous one, but I think they launched it too early, and they didn't think about the impact and consecuences that it would have...Maybe they could have launched Transantiago in a few years later, enough time to correct some actual faults of the system. Anyway, if you look people you'll see they are able to adapt themselves to whatever they confront (it's just the human/animal nature)
But those accordion-like buses...What a bad design they have! Stupid big engine obstructing the way, I hate you!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A country I would like to visit

ok, which country I would like to go? mmm, let me think about it, I'll be back in two weeks xD
haha I'm just kidding...If I had enough money I would like to visit the noble England, the mother of English language...why? Well, in first place it's an island so I think it would be a nice place to go because it has a temperate maritime climate, and this is always changing, I mean, sometimes it's raining, other times it's sunny...There's a diversity of landscapes and rivers, less pollution, magnificent infraestructure, Did I say it's an island? Lovely place, at least for me :)
Another thing I like is the fact this developed country has been a large history and tradition for centuries, specially in the middle ages...English men built big castles to defend their kingdom from enemies, noble knights had a sense of honor and justice, they took part of great battles in history and so on...
English goverment invests a lot of money in beautiful stadiums where people enjoy great football matches, because this sport is very popular, that's the reason why football stadiums are generally full of people and there's a high security around them.
I would like to visit the great megaliths of Stonehenge, Big Ben (the clock tower of London), travelling on double decker buses (certainly they have a really good transport system, not like here xD)
I would spend my time there on holidays, that would be a good experience to live...if I only had enough money :(
Well, dreaming doesn't cost anything xD