Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Challenges of a Veterinary Doctor

Hi again! I'm following with another topic related about my study career. Veterinary has different challenges to face if we want to subsist in our discipline in terms of technology, social matters and education

Technology: a veterinary doctor must know about the latest innovations used in medicine, such as new machines for diagnosis, implementations in laboratories, new vaccines against different possible pathogen agents; technics on different areas of medicine, such as radiology, surgery, neurology, and any other thing that he could make contact with in his future job. Thus, it's important to be well informed about this.

Social Matters: another thing that we face in the future is related to social relations with our partners, I mean, it's a bit difficult to agree between us because we think differently. So we'll have to get along with people that have other ways to do things, this is logical because of our partners graduate from different universities which have other methodologies to teach their students. For this reason we need to reach a consensus in order to achieve our goals as veterinary doctors.

Education: probably the most of us will need to get some extra knowledges according with our interests, if we want to reach our objectives in our lives; I refer to do PhDs, the highest universitary grade we could reach. That implies we have to study a lot more to get this grade and specialize on some topic of personal interest, something that you are good at and you're going to do well for the rest of your life. That way isn't going to be easy, but the final reward can be great! You could become a expert in science research, genetics, physiology, physiopathology, surgery, pharmacology, molecular biology, and so on! but don't forget it requires time and dedication, so you have to be careful in your choose.

As I told before, facing these challenges aren't going to be easy, but with perseveration and dedication, focusing on our real goals, we can go far in this beautiful career, thinking always about animals: our reason to keep living :D

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