Monday, November 16, 2009

Improving my faculty facilities

Hi to everyone, long time no see! I've been busy studying a lot for tests, and more tests, it's a madness!!! Talking about my studies, for who doesn't know I study veterinary medicine at the faculty of University of Chile. This place is large and wide, with many facilities that are necessary for its students such as classrooms, biology laboratories, animal clinic, horse yards, toilets (I wonder what they are for xD) , and so on. I can't forget to do mention to the farm called "Mundo Granja", which it has different sections for each group of animals, like horses, cows, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, and donkeys...and also dogs and cats, of course. I think that all this is enough for us as students, at least they are the most basical facilities that we need for our way in this interesting career life.

Some students complain about rusticity of some facilities. However, things can be improved. It's a little more difficult in this case, because the faculty belongs to a public university, so it's not financed with too high amounts of money, like private universities. But that is in hands of the government, so we need to catch its atention to make more improvements!

I think more money can resolve this situation in order to improve some facilities in terms of infrastructure, medical implementations, animal welfare, and maybe also computers, I think they are so slow!!

These improvements could make easier lives of current veterinary students, and also next generations coming. Being a prestigious educational institution as it is, our faculty should go improving year by year its facilities with the purpose of keeping that prestige.

Another thing: I would personally change the buses of the faculty, they look a little old and warm in summer!!

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