Friday, November 20, 2009

Final Session: Self reflections about this academic year

Well, this is the last topic that I'm going to talk about: you know that all things come to an end some day, so here we go...
I've had to face different challenges through my academic year on the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, some of them have been good, other ones, not so good. Some of them have been easy, but other ones have been hard, pushing me to do my best to overcome them. In the present essay, I'm going to explain myself and evaluate some of these challenges that have been important for me through the year

First, I have to say that I've passed all subjects until now, but that doesn't have been easy, anyway. One of the hard challenges I've had to face is passing Anatomy, because this is a subject full of concepts you have to memorize and put them into practice. I need to admit that the first term of this subject (last year) I didn't do it quite well because I couldn't keep it up; that was reflected in my marks. I couldn't get back on race till the second test, which I got an important mark that cheered me up to go ahead. I felt worried until the last moment, because I didn't want to fail, but I knew that it would be my fault if that happened. After all that I felt better because I passed successfully!! what a torture was that!!

After the first term, new challenges awaited for me. New subjects that little by little seemed to unclear my way through the career; I mean, subjects like Farmacology, that I think is an interesting one, bond directly to the animal health. Another one is Microbiology, which refers to animal diseased generated by microorganisms like bacteria or virus. That's interesting too, but there's a lot of information to learn, and tests don't have been so easy that they could be! Immunology was another stone in my shoe, because I got a bad mark on the first required I mentalized myself and give all what I got to get a compensatory mark, and guess what...I did it! now I'm happy for pass that thing.

In spite of passing all those subjects, they were difficult to me for another personal reason: I got depressed for a few weeks, thinking that I couldn't perform well; I felt alone, empty some days...I was in a bad mood, I felt sad, a mix of feelings around my mind... the cause of this is a little personal, about my heart, but I don't want to explain more of that, it's a bit embarrassing!

However, the year isn't over yet, and I need to keep fighting for taking last tests, so I can rest in the summer thinking that I did it well. Maybe it was my fault about some things, because I'm not perfect; sometimes I've been a little lazy or I've done procrastination (I know that I'm not the only one), or I don't have studied enough for boring subjects, or I've just studied enough for a poor "4" mark. But I can't give up now, I can't resign myself and I have to keep moving on to reach my goal: graduate from this career. I don't want to get depressed again. Really I don't want to. It's a bit more left, I have to be strong and forget bad things in the past.
And this is the way I'm finishing this topic. I hope all of you reach your goals in life, being able to confront your challenges, but something more important: being able to admit your faults, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and correct your bad actions...I can't believe this is the end; goodbye my friends. :D


  1. Well, this is the last topic that I'm going to talk about: you know that all things come to an end some day, so here we go...
    I've had to face different challenges through my academic year on the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, some of them have been good, other ones, not so good. Some of them have been easy, but other ones have been hard, pushing me to do my best to overcome them. In the present essay, I'm going to explain myself and evaluate some of these challenges that have been important for me through the year

    First, I have to say that I've passed all subjects until now, but that doesn't have been easy, anyway. One of the WF hard challenges I've had to face is passing Anatomy, because this is a subject full of concepts you have to memorize and put them into practice. I need to admit that the first term of this subject (last year) I didn't do it quite well because I couldn't keep it up; that was reflected in my marks. I couldn't get back on race till the second test, which I got an important mark that cheered me up to go ahead. I felt worried until the last moment, because I didn't want to fail, but I knew that it would be my fault if that happened. After all that I felt better because I passed successfully!! what a torture was that!!

    After the first term, new challenges awaited for me. New subjects that little by little seemed to unclear my way through the career; I mean, subjects like SP Farmacology, that I think is an interesting one, bond directly to the animal health. Another one is Microbiology, which refers to animal diseased generated by microorganisms like bacteria or WF virus. That's interesting too, but there's a lot of information to learn, and tests WF don't have been so easy that they could be! Immunology was another stone in my shoe, because I got a bad mark on the first required I mentalized myself and give all what I got to get a compensatory mark, and guess what...I did it! now I'm happy for pass that thing.

    In spite of passing all those subjects, they were difficult to me for another personal reason: I got depressed for a few weeks, thinking that I couldn't perform well; I felt alone, empty some days...I was in a bad mood, I felt sad, a mix of feelings around my mind... the cause of this is a little personal, about my heart, but I don't want to explain more of that, it's a bit embarrassing!

    However, the year isn't over yet, and I need to keep fighting for taking last tests, so I can rest in the summer thinking that I did it well. Maybe it was my fault about some things, because I'm not perfect; sometimes I've been a little lazy or I've done procrastination (I know that I'm not the only one), or I WF don't have studied enough for boring subjects, or I've just studied enough for a poor "4" mark. But I can't give up now, I can't resign myself and I have to keep moving on to reach my goal: graduate from this career. I don't want to get depressed again. Really I don't want to. It's a bit more left, I have to be strong and forget bad things in the past.
    And this is the way I'm finishing this topic. I hope all of you reach your goals in life, being able to confront your challenges, but something more important: being able to admit your faults, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and correct your bad actions...I can't believe this is the end; goodbye my friends. :D

    well done!!! it's a good essay, very open-hearted.
    The only thing I can say is: don't worry be happy!
    Be careful with the present perfect and the dont. they are not friends so cannot be together ok?
    p.s. you got a 7

  2. Well, this is the last topic that I'm going to talk about: you know that all things come to an end some day, so here we go...
    I've had to face different challenges through my academic year on the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, some of them have been good, other ones, not so good. Some of them have been easy, but other ones have been hard, pushing me to do my best to overcome them. In the present essay, I'm going to explain myself and evaluate some of these challenges that have been important for me through the year

    First, I have to say that I've passed all subjects until now, but that doesn't have been easy, anyway. One of the hard challenges I've had to face is passing Anatomy, because this is a subject full of concepts you have to memorize and put them into practice. I need to admit that the first term of this subject (last year) I didn't do it quite well because I couldn't keep it up; that was reflected in my marks. I couldn't get back on race till the second test, which I got an important mark that cheered me up to go ahead. I felt worried until the last moment, because I didn't want to fail, but I knew that it would be my fault if that happened. After all that I felt better because I passed successfully!! what a torture was that!!

    After the first term, new challenges awaited for me. New subjects that little by little seemed to unclear my way through the career; I mean, subjects like Farmacology, that I think is an interesting one, bond directly to the animal health. Another one is Microbiology, which refers to animal diseased generated by microorganisms like bacteria or virus. That's interesting too, but there's a lot of information to learn, and tests don't have been so easy that they could be! Immunology was another stone in my shoe, because I got a bad mark on the first required I mentalized myself and give all what I got to get a compensatory mark, and guess what...I did it! now I'm happy for pass that thing.

    In spite of passing all those subjects, they were difficult to me for another personal reason: I got depressed for a few weeks, thinking that I couldn't perform well; I felt alone, empty some days...I was in a bad mood, I felt sad, a mix of feelings around my mind... the cause of this is a little personal, about my heart, but I don't want to explain more of that, it's a bit embarrassing!

    However, the year isn't over yet, and I need to keep fighting for taking last tests, so I can rest in the summer thinking that I did it well. Maybe it was my fault about some things, because I'm not perfect; sometimes I've been a little lazy or I've done procrastination (I know that I'm not the only one), or I don't have studied enough for boring subjects, or I've just studied enough for a poor "4" mark. But I can't give up now, I can't resign myself and I have to keep moving on to reach my goal: graduate from this career. I don't want to get depressed again. Really I don't want to. It's a bit more left, I have to be strong and forget bad things in the past.
    And this is the way I'm finishing this topic. I hope all of you reach your goals in life, being able to confront your challenges, but something more important: being able to admit your faults, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and correct your bad actions...I can't believe this is the end; goodbye my friends. :D
    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2009

  3. Challenges of a Veterinary Doctor

    Hi again! I'm following with another topic related about my study career. Veterinary has different challenges to face if we want to subsist in our discipline in terms of technology, social matters and education

    Technology: a veterinary doctor must know about the latest innovations used in medicine, such as new machines for diagnosis, implementations in laboratories, new vaccines against different possible pathogen agents; technics on different areas of medicine, such as radiology, surgery, neurology, and any other thing that he could make contact with in his future job. Thus, it's important to be well informed about this.

    Social Matters: another thing that we face in the future is related to social relations with our partners, I mean, it's a bit difficult to agree between us because we think differently. So we'll have to get along with people that have other ways to do things, this is logical because of our partners graduate from different universities which have other methodologies to teach their students. For this reason we need to reach a consensus in order to achieve our goals as veterinary doctors.

    Education: probably the most of us will need to get some extra knowledges according with our interests, if we want to reach our objectives in our lives; I refer to do PhDs, the highest universitary grade we could reach. That implies we have to study a lot more to get this grade and specialize on some topic of personal interest, something that you are good at and you're going to do well for the rest of your life. That way isn't going to be easy, but the final reward can be great! You could become a expert in science research, genetics, physiology, physiopathology, surgery, pharmacology, molecular biology, and so on! but don't forget it requires time and dedication, so you have to be careful in your choose.

    As I told before, facing these challenges aren't going to be easy, but with perseveration and dedication, focusing on our real goals, we can go far in this beautiful career, thinking always about animals: our reason to keep living :D

    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009

    Improving my faculty facilities

    Hi to everyone, long time no see! I've been busy studying a lot for tests, and more tests, it's a madness!!! Talking about my studies, for who doesn't know I study veterinary medicine at the faculty of University of Chile. This place is large and wide, with many facilities that are necessary for its students such as classrooms, biology laboratories, animal clinic, horse yards, toilets (I wonder what they are for xD) , and so on. I can't forget to do mention to the farm called "Mundo Granja", which it has different sections for each group of animals, like horses, cows, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, and donkeys...and also dogs and cats, of course. I think that all this is enough for us as students, at least they are the most basical facilities that we need for our way in this interesting career life.

    Some students complain about rusticity of some facilities. However, things can be improved. It's a little more difficult in this case, because the faculty belongs to a public university, so it's not financed with too high amounts of money, like private universities. But that is in hands of the government, so we need to catch its atention to make more improvements!

    I think more money can resolve this situation in order to improve some facilities in terms of infrastructure, medical implementations, animal welfare, and maybe also computers, I think they are so slow!!

    These improvements could make easier lives of current veterinary students, and also next generations coming. Being a prestigious educational institution as it is, our faculty should go improving year by year its facilities with the purpose of keeping that prestige.

    Another thing: I would personally change the buses of the faculty, they look a little old and warm in summer!!

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2009

    News Summary: Paralysed rats can walk again

    Hi to everyone! I guess all of you are busy studying this week, I include myself :S
    Anyway, I'm going to tell you something that I think is interesting:

    It's known when people suffer spinal cord injuries is unable to walk and they have to live bound to a wheelchair. It's possible they regain their mobility through a rehabilitation programme being developed by scientists; however, they have found that a combination of drugs, muscle stimulation and treadmill exercises can be used to reawaken 'walking circuits' in the spinal cords of paralysed rats! This treatment was suggested by neurologists at the University of Zurich and California.
    In normal people, walking circuits send a signal to the brain through the spinal cord, but if this last one is injured, the signal never reaches the brain and the circuits shut down.
    A team of scientists used drugs, known as serotonin agonists, in order to awaken the walking circuits in paralysed rats; then they used a tiny electrodes to stimulate its spinal circuitry.
    During the study, rats were subjected to a treadmill treatment for 20 minutes/day. Progressively they were regaining the ability to walk. but still reliant on the electrical stimulation.
    It's possible to apply this to humans, but it's required the developing of implantable electrodes to stimulate the walking circuits on spines' pacients.

    I think this would be so beneficial for all those people that can't walk, so they can come to their normal lives if they had suffered an accident, don't you think the same thing?
